The luxury of a cabin each in a whole ship and fantastic staff dedicated to just us! |
Day 7 On the Diagoras
Alastair Caldwell telling another story... |
Hayden Burvill listening still... |
Lovely long lie in as we have our first day off! The boat has been specially chartered for us and we had full staff and delicious food. Our cabins are all internal, we imagine because of the particularly rough seas, so we had no idea of the time when we did wake. Lots of people stayed below as it was a bit rough. We managed to get through lunch and supper and enjoy not having much to do. A bit of a sleep in the afternoon helped while away the hours. It is too early in the rally to have time off so we are all twitchy, and it is quite frustrating not being able to work on the cars. The captain did actually allow us one hour to go below, but in the light of the high seas and storm, we thought it might be dangerous! The GPS had not worked yesterday and Suzy found out that it had scrambled itself so she got that sorted and had a lesson from Rob Henchoz a naval navigator which was quite useful!
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